first workshop

General information


International program committee

Call for papers

Conference publications





Conference fee

Conference accom

Practical information

Workshop Summary



Friday September 24, 2004                                      Conference room STOKROTKA        

9.00 - 10.00


10.00 - 10.15


10.15 - 11.00



Opening Ceremony

Plenary talk - Chairman: O. Hryniewicz

Nilsson S., Shvidenko A., Jonas M.,

Uncertainties of the regional terrestrial biota Full Carbon Account: A systems analysis (paper / presentation)

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee Break



11.30 - 12.00



12.00 - 12.30



12.30 - 13.00




13.00 - 13.30


Morning Session: Bottom-Up Approach - Chairman: M. Jonas

 National Emission Reporting

Winiwarter W.,

National greenhouse gas inventories: Understanding uncertainties vs. potential for improving reliability (paper / presentation)

 Brandes L.J., Olivier J.G.J, van Oorschot M M.P.,

Validation, verification and uncertainty assessment for improving the Netherlands' emission inventory (paper / presentation)

 Vreuls H.H.J.,

Uncertainty analysis of Dutch greenhouse gas emission data, a first qualitative and quantitative (TIER 2) analysis (paper / presentation)

Emissions of Systems that Require Diagnostic Modeling

 Gusti M.,

Modelling the afforestation and underlying uncertainties (paper / presentation)

13.30 - 14.30





14.30 - 15.00



15.00 - 15.30





15.30 - 16.00

Afternoon Session I: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approach -

Chairman: W. Winiwarter

Spatially Disaggregated Emission Inventories

 Bun R.., Kujii L., Tokar O., Tsybrivskyy Y.,

Distributed inventory: analysis of uncertainty sources. Ukraine case study (paper / presentation)

Pacyna J.M., Mano S.,  Luekewille A., Panasiuk D., Wilson S., Steenhuisen F.,

Global emission estimates for GHG within the EU EVERGREEN project

(EnVisat for Environmental Regulation of GREENhouse gases) (paper / presentation)

Emissions Observed by Satellites and Inverse Modeling

Goede A.P.H., Pacyna J.M.  et al.,

Global satellite observation of greenhouse gas emissions - EVERGREEN

(EnVisat for Environmental Regulation of GREENhouse gases) (presentation)

16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break


16.30 - 17.00




17.00 – 17.30



17.30 - 18.00

Afternoon Session II: Signal Analysis Methods - Chairman: J. Pacyna

Jonas M., Nilsson S.,

Prior to an economic treatment of emissions and their uncertainties under the Kyoto Protocol: Scientific uncertainties that must be kept in mind (paper / presentation)

Jęda W., Nahorski Z.,

Comparison of three signal analysis methods for modeling of GHG emissions and uncertainties (paper / presentation)

Hudz H.,

Verification times underlying the Kyoto protocol: consideration of risk


Conference Banquet



Saturday September 25, 2004                                             Conference room JAGODA


9.30 - 10.00



10.00 - 10.30



10.30 - 11.00


Morning Session I: Emission Trading - Chairman:  S. Nilsson

Monni S., Syri S., Pipatti R.,  Savolainen  I.,

Comparison of uncertainties in different emission trading schemes (paper / presentation)

Nahorski Z., Horabik J., Jonas M.,

Greenhouse gas emission uncertainty in compliance proving and emission trading (paper / presentation)

Horabik J., Nahorski Z.,

Performance of the carbon market when accounting for uncertainties in GHG inventories (paper / presentation)

11.00 - 11.30

Coffee Break


11.30 - 12.00



12.00 - 12.30


Morning Session II: Emission Trading (continued) - Chairman: R. Bun

Rousse O.,  Sevi B.,

Emissions trading and uncertainty, permits banking, risk aversion and prudence (paper / presentation)

Bartoszczuk P.,

Tradable emission permits as efficient strategy for achieving environmental goals (paper / presentation)

12.30 - 13.30


13.30 - 14.30


Discussion - Chairman: S. Nilsson

Closing Ceremony


Sightseeing Walk - Warsaw Old Town


Contribution not presented at the Workshop, but included in the Proceedings volume:
Gillenwater M., Sussman F., Cohen J.,

Practical applications of uncertainty analysis for national greenhouse gas inventories (paper)

Each paper contribution should be cited as:
[author, title], Proc. of the International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Verification, Compliance and Trading. September 24-25, 2004, Warsaw-Poland. pp. []. Available at:


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